Jennie Staines Represents in Guatemala City

Chef Jennie Staines of the world famous Elvi’s Kitchen proudly represented not only San Pedro but the entire country of Belize in Guatemala, as she did a marvelous job in preparing a huge spread of Belizean dishes for all to enjoy.

Belize and Guatemala moved a very significant step forward to a referendum on September 9 when the Guatemalan congress unilaterally approved the special agreement. And while a referendum is a long way off, according to Ambassador Fred Martinez, during this month Belize is making its presence as a sovereign equally known through a number of social events in Guatemala City.

“The Intercontinental Hotel, which is a five star hotel here in Guatemala City, invited countries to participate in their international food festival and Belize was featured today as the main restaurant at the hotel with the main buffet featuring Belizean foods,” commented H.E. Fred Martinez, Ambassador to Guatemala. “A chef from Belize was invited, Ms. Jennie Staines Pinelo from Elvi’s Restaurant in San Pedro who did a marvelous job on huge spread of Belizean foods.”

On September 21 the embassy hosted a reception for the diplomatic corps and government officials in Guatemala at the hotel Intercontinental. The Pantempers Steel band from Belize was featured as entertainment.

Jennie Staines cooks for Guatemalan Delegates

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