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Beach Restoration Project at Boca Del Rio Park

The Boca Del Rio Park is currently in bad shape with the sea level reaching all the way to the basketball court and the beach that everyone loved is practically gone. But there is hope for the park which is a popular place where families gather on Sundays for a refreshing swim or a relaxing afternoon. The San Pedro Town Council has embarked on a beach restoration project at the park.

Councilor Severo Guerrero informed Ambergris Today that the beach restoration project has commenced and that dredging will take place in the ‘river’ canal so that boats have easier access to and fro the area. There are also plans for some dredging on the beachfront so that a swimming area is made for residents to enjoy in a safer area and diverting them from swimming in the dangerous canal where vessels frequent.

The Town Council has recruited the use of six Geo Tubes that will be used to restore the sandy beach area. Geo tubes are the most cost effective and environmentally responsible shore line erosion barrier available. The Geo Tube is constructed of a spun-bond polyester fabric sewn together to form a custom diameter tube. The tube is interconnected along the water’s edge, then a small sand pump is used to fill the tube with the same sand and organic material that has been eroding into the sea. The final result is a long lasting fully contained sand filter barrier that will stabilize the bank from erosion and filter rainwater and irrigation run off.

The project should take about two months to complete and there are plans of adding more games in the play area and palapas for everyone to enjoy. The cost of each Geo Tube project is approximately $18,000 and filling and dredging about $50,000, a price the Town council is willing to pay for the beautification of our lovely island.

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