Closed Streets Causing Inconveniences

Why is it that the contractor responsible for completing the side parallel streets in town decided to close down three streets at the same time and create such havoc on the already traffic congested streets of San Pedro Town?

Was it the decision of the contractor or the Town Board? Either way, it is such a bad decision to close down three streets which have caused so much chaos in town during rush hour traffic. Yes, we do have rush hour in San Pedro. People are confused as to which streets are open, which are closed, which stay one-way and which don’t.

Plus this is creating such hard times for those businesses that reside along these closed streets – Caribeña, Buccaneer and part of Angel Coral Street which is almost inaccessible with a vehicle. Many business people have complained to Ambergris Today that they are losing business.

“It is understandable that the streets have to be closed for some time but work is going super slow with the workers being spread out on three streets,” commented one business owner to Ambergris Today. “Why can’t they make all of them work on one street at a time and minimize the loss of business to all these shops and stores, instead of closing down three?”

We hope that someone hears the plea of these businesses and residents who have to put up with inconvenience of super slow sales and crazy traffic conditions.

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