Rainforest Rum Cakes A Taste of the Tropics

Pastries! Everybody has a sweet tooth for pastries – chocolate cake, caramel cake, you name it; we always find something sweet to eat. Now Nova Carib Enterprise of San Pedro is producing 100% locally made rum cakes named Rainforest Rum cakes. And although these rum cakes are edible they are not considered a food item but rather a gift item.

Owners Tatyana Kolyshkina and Sean Sammon have their commercial bakery in Belize City where they have been producing these rum cakes for over a year now and two weeks ago here in San Pedro. Until recently, they decided to put them up for sale on the island. The rum cakes contain local products such as sugar, flour and local rum; they weigh 1.1 lbs (500 grams) and are vacuumed sealed for freshness and packaging.

Tropical Rum Cakes come in original, coconut and cinnamon flavors and Tatyana commented to Ambergris Today that she is currently working on incorporating flavors such as Piña Colada and Mojito to their cakes. The cakes are vacuumed sealed to preserve their taste and it is best if the product is consumed within six months of purchase. Refrigeration and freezing will prolong the shelf life without changing the quality or taste of rum cakes.

Tatyana explained that they decided to name their products “Rainforest Rum Cakes” because Belize is one of the most eco-friendly destinations in the Caribbean and they feel that by naming the product Rainforest Rum Cakes they are promoting rainforest preservation. Furthermore, she stated that a percentage of the sales is being donated to local Central American Rainforest Preservation programs.

These rum cakes are FDA approved and visitors who purchase these products are allowed to take the delicious souvenir back home. Rainforest Rum Cakes can be purchased at gift shops such as Toucan Gift Shop, Green House and Orange Gifts to name a few. While in Belize City you can purchase them at the Belize Tourism Village.

For more information on these delicious cakes you can call 628-0715 or 628-0659 and their website should be up very soon, www.rainforestrumcakes.com.

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