Ride the Rickshaw

Many a times we see tourists riding in their golf cart with town maps on their hands or constantly having to stop at the tourist information center to ask for directions or general information about the island – population, where to eat, where to stay and so forth. Well this week we were intrigued by the two bicycle rickshaws at Central Park and found out that it’s a new way for visitors to tour the island. The staff of Ambergris Today enjoyed a ride around town the same way tourists would, just for the sake of experiencing this cool new tour being offered by the business San Pedro Rickshaw.

A rickshaw is a two wheeled cart which seats one or two persons most popularly used in Asia and are powered by men. Now-a-days the rickshaw has evolved and a bicycle has been attached to it and is used even in places like New York, San Diego, London and now San Pedro.

In speaking with John McAfee, owner of San Pedro Rickshaw, he explained to us that the purpose of the rickshaw bicycles is to offer tourists a slow tour of San Pedro.

“The tourists will be given a half hour tour of San Pedro pin pointing the restaurants, shops, hotels, grocery stores and hot spots of the island,” commented Mr. McAfee. “We plan on touring the tourists by the lagoon side so they can see the fruits vendors on the lagoon side and life in the island.”

Business can also advertise on these rickshaw bicycles as there will be a total of ten bicycles and business can advertise on them. San Pedro Rickshaw is a tour operator and not a taxi service as they will not be stopping to taking persons from one place to another. The tour is available seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Anyone interested in booking a tour or advertising can call the Coastal Express office at 226-2007.

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