Second Street Sweeper Donated!

Two weeks ago at the Angel Coral Street inauguration Mayor Elsa Paz officially presented the long awaited street sweeper for the island which was obtained through the Sister-City agreement with Wilmington, North Carolina. Today, the street sweeper is full operating and maintaining the streets of La Isla Bonita clean.

The street sweeper has been scheduled to clean the streets of town between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. The operator of the street sweeper tells us that it picks up most items such as sand, broken glass, light metals and plastics. Even though we have a new street sweeping machine, the public is strongly advised not to throw their garbage on the street but to properly dispose of it in garbage bins.

The San Pedro Town Council would like to ask all vehicle owners to kindly remove their vehicles from the streets at night and properly park them inside their yards of parking areas. The SPTC also mentioned that they will soon be enforcing the law in which vehicles will not be allowed to remain on the streets overnight since this will obstruct the cleaning process.

Town Administrator, Patricia Tillett, informed Ambergris Today that the Town Council recently received another street sweeper to performer smaller duties as it is a smaller machine. The sweeper is a bit larger than a golf cart and will be used mostly for the side-walks and the sweeping of the Central Park and Friendship Park. This kind donation was made by James Pruit of Island Construction.

As for the men who were doing the job of sweeping the streets, the Mayor assured that they will not lose their job and will be re-assigned to other tasks.

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