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Hon. Heredia Building to Commence for SP Junior College

It is the real thing now! The Honorable Manuel Heredia Hall, which will be the new building for San Pedro Jr. College, is now due to commence as early as this week.  This building will be constructed at the campus of San Pedro High School and will serve for classrooms for both the high school and the Jr. College.  It will immediately benefit some 500 students and, of course, thousands in the years to come.

President of San Pedro Jr. College, Angel Nuñez, and Dean Gustavo Ellis as well as Chairlady of the Board for both institutions Martha Guerrero was joined by Honorable Manuel Heredia last week on campus to make the presentation of the first disbursement of $50,000 for the project to be able to commence immediately.

“This is the best thing that has happened to San Pedro Jr. College since it was founded in the year 2000,” said Mr. Nuñez. It comes at a time when the high school is crowded with large class enrolments, and also when sixth form is expanding its enrolment and curriculum.”

“I am excited about this building for both institutions,” said Hon. Manuel Heredia. “I am honored to be invited to participate in the educational development of my Island.   And I am particularly excited that the building also comes at a time when the Jr. College is partnering with the University of Belize to bring a Bachelor’s program in tourism management.  As Minister of Tourism I have endorsed and assisted the administration in bringing about this new program because I know it is good for my people in San Pedro and Belize on a whole.  I commit myself to seeing this building a reality and a success in the hands of good leaders.”

Chairlady of the Board Martha Guerrero, who has served the institutions for more than 30 years, thanked Mr. Heredia for his steadfast support in education and wished him well in his term of office both as Minister of Tourism and Area Representative.

So, when you pass by the high school campus and you see new construction going on, you will be seeing history in the making, and that is the Junior College’s very own building after barrowing classroom space and equipment from its sister for ten years.  Ambergris Today is so proud of all entities and stakeholders in this project and wishes to encourage more of the type for our San Pedro.

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