Johnson & Johnson Healthy Living Workshop

A healthy living workshop was conducted this morning at the San Pedro Roman Catholic School compound by Ms. Rochelle Flowers, Marketing Supervisor of James Brodies & Company along with Nurse Jennifer Cumberbatch, of Johnson & Johnson Ltd of Trinidad.

Nurse Cumberbatch has been conducting these workshops throughout the Caribbean and speaks to both boys and girls about puberty; explaining to them about the changes that the body of both females and males go through and, of course, personal hygiene.

Students of Holy Cross and San Pedro Roman Catholic School listened attentively at Nurse Cumberbatch as she explained to them about personal hygiene. The workshop continued this afternoon at La Isla Bonita Elementary School and Ambergris Caye Elementary School.

The Healthy Living Workshop has been held every year for the past ten years. The workshop is conducted under the theme “Girl Talk” and concentrates on speaking to girls between the ages of 10 – 13 (Standard IV to secondary schools).
Healthy Living WorkshopJohnson & Johnson products on displayNurse Cumberbatch speaking to childrenHealthy Living Workshop

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