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Chetumal Chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous Enlightens AA in San Pedro

– Press Release – On Friday night, November 12, 2010, fourteen members of the Chetumal group of Alcoholics Anonymous arrived in San Pedro and were met by at least 20 members of the San Pedro Fellowship.
The Mexicans came to do a public information presentation at the R. Angel Nunez Auditorium on Saturday, November 13 at 7:30p.m. The program was opened with Paña-Rock (three pre-teen aged boys) playing two drums and turtle shells and was closed with a dance by the San Pedro Dance Company.  The turnout was impressive. 
Mayor Elsa Paz welcomed the visitors and San Pedranos, Dr. Daniel Gonzalez spoke about the medical effects of alcohol and Thomas Santana addressed the spiritual aspect of the disease.  Five of the Chetumal people talked about recovery. A very young local man shared his experience, strength and hope. This community forum was hosted by the Boca del Rio group. In January the Mexican delegation will be returning and will be hosted by the Ultramar Group. 
The thunderous applauses throughout the meeting as an indication that an important message was being sent out and well received by those in attendance.  The community is very concerned about crime on the island, but until the problems feeding the crime, alcohol and drugs, is addressed little can be accomplished.
Currently there are three AA groups in San Pedro.
   * The Bilingual group meets every night at #5 Boca del Rio Drive at 7:30 PM. 
   * A Spanish speaking group (Ultramar) meets Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 7:30 PM at the San Pablo Catholic Church and also practices the Narcotics Anonymous program. 
   * The English speaking group meets in the Rectory of the Catholic Church across from Central Park on Tuesday and Friday at noon.
AA is not affiliated with an sect, denomination, organization or institution but does rent space from available facilities.
Free accommodations were provided by The Blue Tang Inn and several local members and Casa Pan Dulce donated bags of tasty cookies. Caramba Restaurant not only hosted dinner and lunch but also donated two rooms at a resort on the beach.  Heartfelt thanks goes to everyone who made these visitors welcome and comfortable.
AA has a recovery statement: “I am responsible when anyone anywhere reaches out for help I want the hand of AA always to be there; for that I am responsible.” 

Anyone seeking help for alcohol or drug addiction may call 226-2020 or 600-9061or come to any of the above listed meetings.

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