An estimated $140Mil went up in smoke as the incinerator at the Tower Hill sugar mill destroyed the Colombian coke as the B.D.F. oversaw the operation.
The cross country track for the huge amount of cocaine hauled in by law enforcement authorities just over a week ago, ended on Monday, November 22, 2010, at Tower Hill in Orange Walk. As reported by Love FM News, it took hours of first, verification, then a check and counter check to make sure it was actually cocaine being burnt, and then brick by brick the cocaine was entered into the incinerator.
For security reasons, the police did not initially reveal that the destruction of the drugs would take place at the BSI facility at Tower Hill, Orange Walk. Samples of each bail have been taken and are being kept as exhibit in the pending court case against five people who are yet to be charged in connection with the bust.
Late last week, police applied to the Punta Gorda Magistrate’s Court for a destruction order which was granted and subsequently burnt yesterday at Tower Hill. On November 13, a plane landed between miles 59 and 61 on the Southern Highway in the early morning hours. Cocaine was offloaded and hauled away and traffic was blocked for hours until the aircraft was removed from the highway. Five persons, including four police officers were detained while they were attempting to leave the area.
Those officers include Corporal Renel Grant who is attached the Traffic Branch in Belize City, Corporal Nelson Middleton who is assigned as the driver for the Governor General, Sergeant Lawrence Humes who is attached to the Belmopan police station, Sergeant Jacinto Roches who is attached to the Internal Affairs Desk in Belmopan and 36 year old Harold Usher, a boatman at the Customs Department. They have all been charged with the possession of ammunition without a license; however, police say more substantial charges will be brought against them shortly. (from Love FM News)
(Click Here to watch the video as the tons of cocaine go up in smoke, courtesy of Channel 5 News on Ambergris Today’s Facebook Page)