Island in Heightened Security for 36th SICA Summit

If you were wondering why there is such a heightened state of security on the island, it’s because of the opening of the 36th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and the Government of SICA (Central American Integration System) that is taking place in San Pedro tomorrow December 16, 2010. Even North Ambergris residents were surprised to see the north road fixed overnight, due to the arrival of the regional presidents.

Presidents, ministers of foreign affairs and ambassadors from the region including Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Belize, Vice President of Panama and Representatives from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua are convening at Coco Beach Resort on North Ambergris Caye for the summit.

Official opening ceremonies, meetings and a press conference are scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, December 16. All the heads of state also arrive tomorrow.


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