San Pedro Town Council & Santa’s Annual Gift Giving

Christmas is around the corner on the island and the San Pedro Town Council has teamed up with Santa in visiting all primary schools for their annual gift giving spree. On Wednesday, December 15, 2010 the schools visited were MRSK, St. Peter’s Elementary, Holy Cross, Isla Bonita Elementary, Little Angels Pre-School and San Pedro Roman Catholic School. Happy faces were on all the children’s faces as the Christmas spirit was spreading in their school. The Christmas joy will continue to be spread for the rest of the week as the San Pedro Town Council and Santa makes their stop to the following schools: San Pedro Pre-school, Brighter Tomorrow Pre-School, ACES and New Horizon.

SPTC & Santa visits MRSKSPTC & Santa visits MRSKSPTC & Santa visits MRSKSPTC & Santa visit St. Peters ElementarySPTC & Santa visits St. Peters ElementarySPTC & Santa visits St. Peters ElementarySPTC & Santa visits Holy CrossSPTC & Santa visits Holy CrossSPTC & Santa visits Holy CrossSPTC & Santa visits Isla Bonita ElementarySPTC & Santa visits Isla Bonita ElementarySPTC & Santa visits Isla Bonita ElementarySPTC & Santa visits Little Angels Pre-SchoolSPTC & Santa visits Little Angels Pre-SchoolSPTC & Santa visits Little Angels Pre-SchoolSPTC & Santa visits San Pedro RC SchoolSPTC & Santa visits San Pedro RC SchoolSPTC & Santa visits San Pedro RC School

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