Ambergris Today had the honors of being present at the opening of the 36th ordinary summit of Heads of State and the Government of SICA held on Thursday, December 16 at Coco Beach Resort on North Ambergris Caye.
In the exercise of its presidency Pro Tempore of the Central American Integration System (SICA), Belize hosted the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the region. Ministers and senior officials of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic joined Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye to discuss issues dealing with Climate Change, regional security, juvenile delinquency, and the newly established Regional Coordinating Commission on Security and other issues affecting the region.
The Ministers were also engaged in preparing for the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the region. Ministers agreed on the need to establish closer ties with CARICOM to address those issues relating to natural disasters and climate change.
Heads of State at the summit included Hon. Dean Barrow – Prime Minister of Belize, Excelentisimo Sr. Mauricio Funes – Presidente de la Republica de El Salvador, Excelentisimo Sr. Porfirio Lobo Sosa – Presidente de la Republica de Honduras, Excelentisimo Sr. Alvaro Colom – Presidente de la Republica de Guatemala, Distinguido Sr. Alfio Piva Mesen – Vice Presidente de la Republica de Costa Rica, Distinguida Sra. Clara Quinoñez de Longo – Vice Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republica Dominicana, Distinguido Sr. Orlando Solorzano – Ministro de Economia de la Republica de Nicaragua, Distinguished Secretary Generals, Distinguished representatives, special invited guests and members of the media.