Baby Daniel Estell's Homecoming

Words are not enough to explain the emotion and happiness felt by the family of Baby Daniel as they saw him and his parents come out of the plane upon their arrival back home to San Pedro on board a Tropic Air flight at 11a.m. on Sunday, December 19, 2010. (Baby Daniel was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, a rare liver disorder that required major surgery and transplants. After a successful surgery a few months ago, Baby Daniel is on a good road to recovery.)

Grandmother Mel Spain and an entourage of family and friends cheered as a much healthier Baby Daniel exited the plane and greeted everyone present with huge smiles. With his big cheek and bubbly personality, it is very obvious that Baby Daniel is doing so much better. His grandparents tell Ambergris Today that Daniel has a few more medical checkups left in Guatemala and Colombia in the following months, but that he is here to stay with his loving family.

This unforgettable moment is very much due to the determination of Daniel’s Family and the perseverance of a San Pedro community that never gave up hope. Through countless days of prayer and fundraising, Baby Daniel was in the minds and hearts of a community determined in got giving up the fight of giving Baby Daniel the opportunity of life by finding the resources to provide him with the much needed liver transplant.

Jubilant and grateful to the success of Baby Daniel’s transplant, his Family members have never stopped expressing their gratitude to all those who helped and extended their support to the family. It’s a joyous occasion that has brought the best Christmas present to a family who has persevered through much hardship. Welcome home Baby Daniel and Family and may you all have a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Baby DanielBaby DanielBaby DanielBaby DanielBaby DanielBaby DanielBaby DanielBaby DanielBaby DanielBaby Daniel


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