Boogie in Belize VII 2011- SOLD OUT – Skydiving Event!

Rich Grimm of Tsunami Sky Divers Incorporated along with a group of over 130 skydivers are coming back to beautiful San Pedro for the 7th annual “Boogie in Belize” skydiving event. This year there will be two boogies, “Boogie in Belize VII” which will be from Saturday, February 12 to Monday, February 21 and “Skyfari Belize” will be from Thursday, February 24 to Saturday, March 5.

Boogie in Belize VII has been sold out and Skyfari Belize will be hosting a group of Europeans and will also be making a few jumps in Central Farm, Caye Caulker, Placencia and Belize City.

Tandem jumps are available for $225 USD and the DVD is $110. Those interested in participating in this year’s Boogie are kindly asked to stop by the Sunbreeze Hotel and not call the front desk.

The “Reaper Cup” Poker Tourney has become an annual event that is held to raise funds for the town library. This year’s poker tourney will take place on Sunday, February 13 at Pedro’s Inn – buy in $100USd with half of the proceeds going to the town library.

After all these years residents are still thrilled to see the skydivers plunge down to our shores. The adrenaline rush is felt throughout the island during the skydivers stay. Every year the event’s participants spend over a half million dollars on hotels, tours, restaurants, bars, and other rentals over a two-week period.
Boogie In BelizeBoogie In Belize

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