Remembering Sir Barry Bowen

February 26, 2011 marks the first anniversary of the untimely death of Sir Barry Bowen.  His memory will forever remain fresh, vibrant and most important in a vivacious spirit. Wife, children and family members remember his charming and understanding nature.

Employees and associates remember his fairness and openness in conducting business. Friends remember a good-natured and joyous individual. The country of Belize remembers Sir Barry Bowen, the man who assisted in the development of Belize in a multifaceted manner.

Finally our community in San Pedro remembers a Sanpedrano who loved to party, loved to be involved as a philanthropist, and loved to boast about the good things of La Isla Bonita. And because we have a lot to boast about him in similar manner, we raise our glasses and say: “Cheers Barry, This Belikin is for you!”

The Island Academy Remembers
Students, faculty and staff of The Island Academy held a short memorial ceremony during their morning assembly today, Friday, February 25, 2011. Students sang a special song and Jackson Leslie recited a poem for Sir Barry Bowen, Lady Dixie Bowen read a short tribute to her husband, the Belizean flag was raise at half mast at the school and flowers were dispersed at the end of the Bowen pier in remembrance of the late Sir Barry Bowen. A short but very special ceremony for a very special man.

Bowen Family to Celebrate Barry’s Legacy
Letter dated February 23, 2011

Dear All:
“We are sadly aware that the anniversary of our father’s death will be on the 26th of February. While alive, Sir Barry thought very little about death, instead he celebrated life to the fullest. Therefore, we have chosen to celebrate his legacy in September, at the Sir Barry Belikin Bash, around the time of his birthday. He loved this event because it stemmed from his competitive nature and determination to make Belikin “The Beer of Belize”. We will always celebrate his life and his legacy at a time of year that he loved, not at the time of his untimely death, and we hope you will join us then to raise a cold Belikin in his honor.”
Thank you.
The Bowen Family

Barry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen MemorialBarry Bowen Memorial

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