SPHS On A Roll!

SPHS Softball Team Champs at Heart!
San Pedro Town was proudly represented in Punta Gorda at the Softball Nationals by the San Pedro High School Male Softball Team. Under the guidance of Coach Marion Mejia and Edgar Munguia the boys gave it their all and played their very best, but unfortunately placed at 4th place.

In speaking with Coach Marion Mejia, he explained that the team was well prepared but due to inclement weather the first game was played on Friday, March 11, at 11:00 p.m. where SPHS played against Independence High. Because of the rain and bad conditions of the field the game was called off at 11:45 p.m. and was to resume on Saturday at 9:00 a.m.

On Saturday, March 12, again due to the inclement weather games were delayed and commenced at 12 noon. Although the boys gave it their all, the game ended at a 12 – 11 score, San Pedro High School losing. The SPHS team then played against St. John’s College for 3rd and 4th place and the score was 8 – 7, John’s coming in at 3rd place and SPHS at 4th.

“We have been practicing diligently every afternoon and I know that the boys gave it their very best and played like champs,” commented Marion. “I would personally like to thank the parents of these boys for allowing them to be a part of something positive. Thanks also to past alumni of SPHS who were the first players of the team and paved the road for the present team reach to where they are. Much Thanks!”

Special Thanks are in hand for Mr. Paul Kelly, David and Jo Nisbet (Hitting Coach), Mr. Brandon Bood, Edgar Munguia, The San Pedro High School, Mayor Elsa Paz, the fans and to all the boys who form the SPHS Softball Team: Julio Chacon, Konrad Gonzalez, Alex Roache, Mariano Guerrero, Ramses Ramirez, Rick Jones, Charles Ritchards, Hugo Espino, Roberto Torriz, Brandon Munguia, Luis Pinelo and Julius Gomez.

SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!SPHS on a Roll!!

SPHS heads to the Food & Nutrition National Competition    
Students at San Pedro High School are on a roll in making San Pedro proud as they part take in different competitions and give it their very best to be the champions and obtain bragging rights. Congratulations are in hand to Seniors Roxette Santos, Adriana Nuñez and Yesenia Kotch for having won the District Zone A Food & Nutrition Regional Competition.

Santos, Nuñez and Kotch along with their alternate Solani Graniel will be heading to National which will be held on Thursday, May 12 in Belize City. The students are being coached by Pedro Gracia (past SPHS alumni and champion of the Food & Nutrition Competition), Ms. Arelie Reyes and Principal Emil Vasquez.

On behalf of the community of La Isla Bonita, Ambergris Today Congratulates the Male Softball Team for having represented us at the Softball Nationals and wishes the Girls that will participate in the Nutrition Competition the Best of Luck! Make us Proud Girls!
SPHS on a Roll!!

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