Work Starts on Paving Lagoon Street

The long awaited paving of Lagoon Street has finally commenced. On Wednesday, May 4, workers were seen by the San Juan Statue blocking off the street as work commenced for the paving of the road.

According to councilor Nano Guerrero the paving of the road will be done in phases. Phase I will be from Lagoon Street (Richies Store/K-mart Supermarket) to the intersection of Spider Lily Street (High School).

“Our goal is to reach to the Boca del Rio Bridge, but in order to do so financing is needed,” commented Councilor Guerrero. “We would like to ask the kind cooperation of the public to respect the area that is being worked on and use the alternative road ways so that work on the road can progress as quickly as possible.”

The road is about 25 feet wide and a side walk of four feet will be made for easier traffic and pedestrian flow. The paving of the road will be done similar to the Angel Coral Street, which was made of concrete slabs. It is estimated that Phase I of the paving of the street should be done in a period of two months.

For the meantime this is the only part of the road that will be done until finances become available the rest of the work on the road will continue. The repairing of other main streets on the island will also be addressed. Contractor for the work on the road is Medina’s Constructions.
Work Starts on Paving Lagoon StreetWork Starts on Paving Lagoon Street

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