San Pedro Student Tops Fourth in PSE Result

The Primary School Exams (PSE) are over and the results are out. A total of 6,962 students countrywide sat the exam and making it to the top five this year is a student from San Pedro Roman Catholic School, Miss Alessandra Guttierez.

Twelve-year-old, Standard VI student of San Pedro R. C. School, Alessandra Guttierez, got a score of 368 points out of 400, an average total of 92%, placing her in fourth place in the entire country of Belize.

“I feel very proud, and happy for all my students especially Alessandra who came in at fourth place in the entire country,” commented an elated principal, Mrs. Roxannie Kay. “Preparing for the PSE starts since you commence school and when you reach the upper division teacher’s work a bit harder to revise all the work. I can truly say that all the hard work and dedication of both the students and teachers have paid off.”

San Pedro R.C. School had a total of 57 passes out of 58 students who took the exam. And the top five students at the school were: Alessandra Guttieres (92%), Jamie Valen (87%), Rosanna Guerrero (86%), Jacqueline Hernandez (82.3%) and Xanairi Xiu (81.3%).

The Primary School Exam generally tests what students have learnt over the eight year curriculum. This year’s top five students in the entire country are as follow:
1st Place – Aliyah Marin – Holy Redeemer – Belize City (385 points – 96.25%)
2nd Place – Josette Mcgann – United Evergreen – Cayo (376 points – 94%)
3rd Place – Jordan Murillo – Belize Elementary – Belize City (369 points – 92.25%)
4th Place – Alessandra Guttierez – San Pedro RC School – Ambergris Caye (368 points – 92%)
4th Place – Kate Ramirez – Bernice York – Belize City (368 points – 92%)

Congratulations to all the students of San Pedro RC School especially to Miss Alessandra Guttierez for a job well done!!

Jamie Valen, Alessandra Guttierez, Principal Kay, Jacqueline Hernandez and Xanairi Xiu.

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