Film Festival Comes To San Pedro Once Again!

Belize International Film Festival – Spectacular Masquerade Ball in San Pedro – The 6th Edition of the Belize International Film Festival (BIFF) will take place across the country of Belize for five days in July (July 15 to 19, 2011). The Belize International Film Festival is a delicious sampling of high caliber films from around the world accompanied by the presence of international filmmakers, distributors, school reps and industry people who come to present their films as well as lead a variety of seminars, workshops and round table discussions designed to encourage and educate Belizeans on how to become a part of this rapidly growing vibrant alternative industry for Belize.  

This yearly but massive endeavor is brought to life through the dedication of a small group of individuals. It enjoys some support from NICH but is primarily realized through the cash and in-kind sponsorship of numerous local and international businesses and organizations.

Mr. Horacio Guerrero is the coordinator of all Festival activities on La Isla Bonita which includes a special film screening presentation by its director followed by a Spectacular Masquerade Ball on Saturday, July 16 at Kama Lounge. The film screening is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and will feature “Handful of Dirt” (89 Minutes – Rated PG 13) presented by Director Russell Watson (Cost: $75 includes open bar & snacks). The Masquerade Ball is from 9:00 p.m. until and the cost is $25 (Cash Bar).

The primary goal of the Belize International Film Festival is to provide a space for the exhibition of films from Belize and its neighboring regions of the Caribbean, Central America and Southern Mexico so that these audiences can see their images onscreen and be motivated to create more.

As a multicultural society the BIFF is interested in promoting cultural tolerance and welcome international features and documentaries that depict the interaction of cultures. As a high risk countries already being impacted by Climate Change, the BIFF also welcomes international features and documentaries that discuss the way forward thru social change and the implementation of green technologies.

For more information on the Belize International Film Festival visit their website at or on Facebook.

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