Actun Tunichil Muknal, Belize – Belize makes it into another great Top 10 List this week. National Geographic just placed Belize’s Actun Tunichil Muknal cave system on its Number 1 spot for the Top 10 Sacred Caves in the World.
National Geographic says: “In myths, journeys to the underworld are never easy, and after visiting Actun Tunichil Muknal (Cave of the Stone Sepulchre), you may feel that you have been through your own epic test. Access to the Maya sacrificial site within the cave involves hiking, wading, and underwater swimming, but nearly a mile (1.6 kilometers) underground you will reach the resting place of the “crystal maiden,” a complete female skeleton that sparkles from eons of crystal calcification. The cave also contains Maya pottery shards, many showing the “kill hole” intended to allow spirits to escape.”
Ambergris Today’s Gerry Badillo has visited the ATM Caves courtesy of Tropic Air. Click to view his travel Video Blog Post, also with great pictures of his adventure. And check out the complete list of National Geographic’s Top 10 Sacred Caves