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Radiothon for Fire Victims

Fundraising efforts for the fire victims of the Airstrip Area begun since Monday of this week and the outpour of assistance has been great from the entire community of San Pedro. Today a Radiothon and Dollar Drive outside the office of the Reef Radio is taking place. Tons of pledges have already been called in and collected by the well organized group of volunteers. The San Pedro Lions Club is at the moment collecting clothing, good and just about anything that can be sold at a Jumbo Sale that will also be a fundraiser for the fire victims. Make sure you collect your clothes or houshold items that you may not need or use anymore and drop it at the Lions Den today, August 4, 2011. Thanks everybody for your support! Call the Reef Radio Radiothon at 226-4054 to submit your pledge.

Radiothon for Fire VictimsRadiothon for Fire VictimsRadiothon for Fire VictimsRadiothon for Fire VictimsRadiothon for Fire VictimsRadiothon for Fire VictimsFire Victims RadiothonFire Victims RadiothonFire Victims Radiothon

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