Prime Minister Meets with Belize City Gang Leaders

– Press Release, Friday, September 2, 2011 – On Wednesday morning of this week, at the request of the Prime Minister, known leaders from the main gangs in Belize City were contacted and asked to attend a meeting with the Prime Minister and representatives of the Security Forces on Friday, September 2nd. The government was encouraged that the gangs accepted the offer to meet in order to re-establish a dialogue towards reconciliation between rival gangs.

Two separate meetings took place this afternoon with two rival sets of gangs and an agreement was reached that the two sides will be brought together on Sunday, September 4th in an effort to commence dialogue to forge a truce and put an end to gang-related violence. The meeting resulted in an agreement for the implementation of an immediate truce among the rival groups.

In this spirit, the government welcomed the confirmation by the George Street gang and its affiliates (Supal Street, Ghost Town and Gill Street) that they will cause no trouble during Belize’s September Celebrations. The people of Belize deserve to enjoy the national celebrations peacefully and free of crime, and all Belizeans agree that this should be the case all year round.

Government has accepted the commitment from the gangs but, as is customary during the September season, will increase security operations to ensure the safety of citizens as we celebrate our national holidays. The Government of Belize reassures the Belizean public of its commitment to protect the safety of all citizens.

A coordinating committee has been formed to monitor the truce and to propose the Government community improvement projects what will also provide jobs in the various Belize City neighborhoods. For the longer term, Government is hopeful that Sunday’s historic truce will last and will bring to a halt the cycle of sensless violence that has been plaguing Belize City in recent times.

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