Melanie Paz Announces Campaign Team

– Press Release, September 5, 2011 – On Sunday, September 4, 2011, San Pedro Independent Mayoral Candidate Mrs. Melanie Paz met with supporters and close friends to formulate her campaign strategy and to listen to advice and concerns. After a lively and interactive meeting, the group voted for a committee that will spearhead a positive campaign in the months leading to the 2012 municipal election.

Rigoberto Kumul was elected as Campaign Manager, Miguel Perez as Secretary and Earl Sutherland as Treasurer. In remarks to her supporters, Paz made it clear that her campaign will be free from any slander against other candidates and encourage her supporters to conduct themselves likewise.

In the weeks ahead, Paz will be meeting with the electorates in a house-to-house campaign and a series of neighborhood meetings all across the island. This will allow the public to have an opportunity to voice their concerns and advise Paz on issues they would like to be addressed when she is elected as Mayor.

Melanie Paz’s Campaign motto: “No Politics, just Business…No Promise but Commitment!”

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