St. George's Caye Day Celebrated

Yakarelis Hernandez was officially crowned San Pedro 2011, school children came out to parade, there were sack races, lime and spoon races and the Greasy Pole competition was in full swing on Saturday, September 10, 2011. San Pedro came out to celebrate for the weekend during the St. George’s Caye Day weekend celebrations.

Outgoing Miss San Pedro 2010, Natasha Stuart handed over the crown, band, cape and scepter to our new Miss San Pedro Yakarelis Hernandez in a brief ceremony that took place at Central Park at midday. Yakarelis was joined on stage by the other four Miss San Pedro contestants, Mayor Elsa Paz and Town Councilors. They then led the parade around town which was comprised of students from Isla Bonita Elementary School, St. Peter’s Elementary & High School and San Pedro High School.

After the parade, it was fun in the sun as the Town Council held a Beach Party at Central Park with plenty of music, food and games for the entire family. The Greasy Pole was a major attraction at the beach party which also hosted other fun family games such as tug-of-war, sack race and lime and spoon race. Culminating the evening’s activities was the Tuna Fishing Tournament that was won by Alberto Bradley, captain of the boat Christina with a tuna haul of 132lbs. Johnny Greif IV caught the largest tuna at 19lbs.

St. George's Caye Day CelebratedSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedCouncilor Pablo Ico and Miss San Pedro Contestant Josie LopezCouncilor Joseph Elijio and Miss San Pedro Contestant Joey EileyCouncilor Nano Guerrero and Miss San Pedro Contestant Christine SymeDeputy Mayor Severo Guerrero with outgoing Miss San Pedro Natasha Stuart and Miss San Pedro 2011 Yakarelis HernandezSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedNatasha Stuart, New Miss San Pedro Yakarelis Hernandez and Trisha AcostaTrisha Acosta, Christine Syme, Joey Eiley and Josie LopezOfficial Coronation of Miss San Pedro 2011Miss San Pedro 2011 - Yakarelis HernandezMiss San Pedro 2011 - Yakarelis HernandezSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedIsla Bonita Elementary SchoolSt. Peter's Elementary SchoolMiss San Pedro and the girls handing out treats.St. George's Caye Day CelebratedSan Pedro High SchoolMen trying to climb up the greasy poleMen trying to climb up the greasy poleSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedZander Bowen and the Tuna CompetitionSt. George's Caye Day CelebratedAlex Lara with some tuna

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