Wedding Bells at The Belize Zoo

There have been fun and fantastic birthday parties at the zoo, but how about getting married at The Best Little Zoo in the world? For those who are fans of the animal world, the zoo offers a perfect venue for that very special day.

A recent wedding provided groom Bob and bride Annette with a day full of fond memories. Coming from the freezing cold lands of Rhode Island, Belize seemed more than perfect as a number one marriage destination choice. And the Zoo? Well, since both bride and groom are fond of wildlife that, too, seemed perfect.

Their wedding “witness” was Indy the Tapir. Indy took a keen interest in Annette’s bouquet, munching part of the floral delight when the ceremony was over. Ring bearer was Balboa the Boa, carrying the wedding rings on the end of her tail. The ceremony was overseen by TBZ’s own Mr. Rudy Bowen, Maintenance Supervisor and Justice of the Peace.

Wedding at The Belize Zoo

Before the wedding ceremony, which took place in the tapir exhibit amidst flowers and palm leaves, bride and groom were given a special tour of the zoo from its Founding Director, Sharon Matola. Bob the groom got kissed by Jaguar “Junior Buddy”! A visit with the youngster Scarlet Macaws brought big smiles. “FieldMaster”, the zoo’s meet-and-greet problem jaguar, showed his approval of the marriage with a big “high five”. Bride and groom were introduced to the magnificent Harpy Eagle, and then shared time with the albino coatis, Clorox and Blizzard.

After the wedding vows in the tapir exhibit, champagne and ceviche were served atop the deck overlooking the Tapirs and the King Vultures. Of course, there was a wedding cake, superbly cut TBZ style with a machete! One thing for certain, a wedding at The Belize Zoo is nothing short of “wild and wonderful”!

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