The entire country of Belize held its Independence Eve Celebrations on Tuesday, September 20 to bring our Nation’s 30th Anniversary of its Independence. San Pedro celebrated with much gusto and held a special tribute to the father of the Nation Rt. Hon. George Price.
The annual block party was in full swing on Independence Eve and hundreds gather at Central Park for the official ceremony to commence. Miss San Pedro, Yakarelis Hernandez made her grand entrance to Central Park in the company of Deputy Mayor Severo Guerrero. Torch Bearers (SPHS Students) and the San Pedro Dance Company baton squad led the way for Miss San Pedro.
The Belize Coast Guard made their official entrance after Miss San Pedro and then the guest speaker of the night, Mr. Angel Nuñez was welcomed on stage for his special tribute to Rt. Hon. George Price. Mr. Nuñez spoke of all the great deeds that Mr. Price did for the island of San Pedro, about how he was a humble and generous man who always had Belize in his heart. Although the tribute to Hon. George Price was the highlight of the evening, it was cut short due to lack of proper timing and scheduling of events. With a “Hip-hip Hurray – Que Viva George Price y que viva San Pedro” a cloud of white balloons were released in honor of Hon. George Price.
Mayor Elsa Paz and Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr., Minister of Tourism, Culture and Civil Aviation and Chairperson of September Celebrations Committee, conducted the inspection of the Belize Coast Guard. The Coast Guard then made their salute and fired 21 shots in honor of our independence and the Belize flag was raised as many song in unison the Belizean National Anthem.
Mayor Paz and Hon. Heredia delivered ‘el grito de independencia’, “Long Live Belize”, “Long Live San Pedro” which was followed by a spectacular 20-minute firework display. Sanpedranos, Belizeans and visitors then partied the night away at the Independence eve block party.