Here at Ambergris Today we have been hearing about this new magazine in Belize, News Exchange Magazine (NE); for the most part very good things. We are glad to have gotten our hands on the latest issue and we must say that we are very impressed with it.
It is still a very young publication that is exploring and promoting all things Belize and we see a lot of potential from this publication that is exploring the arena of magazine publishing in a country that is known for its weekly newspaper and newsletter publications. It is the only magazine in the mix.
We love to see a big stamp on the front cover that says “Made in Belize” and their motto that says “Promoting everything Belizean”, something that Ambergris Today works by and is proud of promoting. Since its first issue on June 2010, NE Magazine has been publishing every three months, filling the void of being a publication that highlights the quality and high standard of work that is being done in Belize.
The magazine includes topics like: Entertainment News on Belizean Artists, Fashion, Sports, Gossip, Belizean Folklore, Belizean Recipes, Belizean Culture, Health, Poetry and Relationships. It says that it’s a magazine that departs from the norm in Belize, offering its readers an intriguing mix of articles geared towards informing visitors and Belizeans at home and abroad: – on national issues (written by award-winning Belizean Journalists).
NE Magazine’s latest publication, September 2011, highlights the topic of “Celebrating our Cultures” with interesting reads such as Janelle Channona’s “An Anthem for the National Anthem” which focuses on Patriotic Price and respect for our National Anthem of Belize; a pictorial tribute to the late Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, a feature on a popular folkloric character – the Tata Duende; a look at Belizeans in music, interviews and highlights of up and coming businesses in Belize and plenty of good photography and Belizean models that pretty up the magazine. There are also good health/fitness tips, local food and recipes and some good fashion content of local designers, models and make up tips.
If we all show our support to News Exchange Magazine I can see it going a long way forward into the publishing world. With emphasis on Fashion, Gossip, News, Trends and Culture in Belize, it’s a great read for the Belize audience and an excellent showcase of all things Belizean.
For more information on NE. Magazine contact:
Phone: 822-2089
The magazine is not yet available in San Pedro, but we are told it will soon be; but it is available throughout the country at these locations:
In Belize City: CatWalk Fashions, LA Fashions, Le Mars Boutique, Belargo Enterprises, Venus Photos and Records, Brodies, Save-U
In Belmopan: Dakers Stationary and Books, Brodies, Ms. B Stationery, UB-BMP Bookstore, Print Belize Ltd.
In Roaring Creek: Garbutts Service Station
In San Ignacio: Venus Photos and Records, Cahal Pech Gift Shop, Gitz Office Supplies
In Placencia: D’Lab Unlocking Repairs
In Orange Walk: Escat’s Salon, Shell 1-Stop, Michael Vasquez