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Belikin Calendar Launch Party This Weekend

Ambergris Today caught Wave Music host and Miss October 2011 Belikin Calendar Deli Eiley out shopping in San Pedro when store owner of El Dorado asked her for an autograph. Deli was happy to oblige to her fan’s request; her picture is on the walls of establishment all around town this month. A bevy of local Sanpedranas were featured in the 2011 Belikin Calender; we will soon find out the new set of Belizean that will grace the 2012 Calendar as the launch party has been set for Saturday, October 22, 2011 at the Princess Hotel and Casino.

Click Here for Sanpedrana Beauties on Belikin Calendar 2011

Deli Eiley, Miss October Belikin Calendar 2011Anna Haylock, Miss December Belikin Calendar 2011Katherine Greif, Miss April Belikin Calendar 2011Tanya Rejon, Miss August Belikin Calendar 2011

Calendar Launch Party
Along with majestic temples, arcane artifacts and fascinating legends, the ancient Maya left behind a rich legacy of symbolism and mystery. But no Maya mystery is more profoundly intriguing than their vision for December 22, 2012; the perpetually theorized, timely topic marking the end of the Maya calendar.
Will the world as we know it cease to exist? Will each of us experience a life-changing rebirth? Or could it simply be that chiseling calendars in rock is painstaking work and the venerable Maya knew there would be things like Blackberrys and iPhones to account for every minute of every day?
The one thing we can tell you unequivocally about 2012; the Belikin Calendar will feature 12 beautiful women each photographed in a Maya-themed pictorial. Each month throughout the year will serve as a tribute to ancient Maya society or culture.
And now it’s time to for you to share your theory on the Maya calendar over a Belikin.
Please join Belikin around the pool at the Princess Hotel on Saturday, October 22 for the official Launch Party of the 2012 Belikin Calendar. Admission is $10 and includes this year’s wonderful calendar, and of course, a refreshingly cold Belikin. The Belikin models will be there to sign calendars, and the Princess’ chef may treat us to some succulent BBQ.
The 2012 calendar project started at the beginning of last year, when we recruited five of Belize’s most talented photographers. The assignment was intentionally vague to allow for many interpretations. Each photographer was to portray a Belizean model within a Maya theme. The results are truly inspired.
Without giving too much away, Tony Rath captured a scene representing how the Maya bathed. JC Cuellar’s portrait is imbued with meaning from a sacred tree. Jeremy Spooner’s composition focuses on a canoe and conch fishing. Richard Holder interpreted the Maya farming technique of slash-and-burn. Olivera Rusu chose sites where sacrifices were made along with representational Maya architecture. Each photographer delivered a completely different style and interpretation of the Maya and each of our gorgeous models did a superb job in the chosen settings.
Producing the calendar was a real adventure, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the contributions of so many individuals throughout our journey. Including Professor Jamie Awe, who gave us expert guidance every step of the way. The insights provided by the informative guides at each of the Maya sites we visited were incredibly helpful. Melissa Badillo and George Thompson at The Institute of Archaeology were instrumental in helping us obtain photography permits at ancient sacred sites.

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