Belize First to Benefit from Caricom Anti-Gang Plan

GEORGETGOWN, Guyana, Monday October 24, 2011 – A Caricom-backed pilot program targeting youth gangs and gang violence would be introduced Tuesday in Belize.

Phase Two of the Community’s Social Development and Crime Prevention Action Plan aims to strengthen the capacity of youth and community members to design and implement programs to address gang formation and gang violence among and against youths.

The project also seeks to increase livelihood opportunities and employability for economically and socially marginalized youth.

The national intervention, to be held from October 25 to 28, will involve 50 stakeholders representing Faith Based Organizations, government ministries and agencies, the private sector and community rehabilitation personnel, among other groups.

Caricom said the consultations have five primary objectives including identifying immediate training needs in the areas of gang formation and violence prevention, and identifying schools and communities for intense prevention education program.

Similar consultations and training interventions will be rolled out in Guyana, St Kitts and Nevis and Trinidad and Tobago – the three other countries that have been targeted for the pilot.

The action plan was developed by the Caricom Secretariat and the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to prevent and reduce levels of violence and crime in member states.

It was mandated by the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) in March 2008.
News Source: Caribbean

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