Ministry of Health announced the availability of Flu Vaccines on Tuesday, November 1, 2011. The Ministry of Health is indicating to the general public that the seasonal flu vaccine is now available for specific at-risk groups.
These special groups consist of: Children 6 – 23 months, adults 65 years and older; Health Care Providers and persons 6 months and older with cardiac or pulmonary disease including asthma, and chronic conditions such as Diabetes, Renal Failure, and HIV.
Although the flu vaccine is now available for these specific at-risk groups they are also given to children up to eight years of age upon request at health care centers. Flu vaccines are usually given from October to December.
The Seasonal Flu vaccine is inactivated trivalent types A and B Subtypes 2011 – 2012. It is administered in the upper arm (Deltoid muscle).
There are mild side-effects associated with the administration of the flu vaccine: slight temperature elevation, aching muscles for a couple days and possible soreness at the injection site. Persons who have allergy to eggs are advised not to take the vaccine due to its preparation in chicken embryos.
The vaccination is available at all public health centers, free of cost throughout the country. Persons in the specified at risk groups are advised to go to their nearest health center to be vaccinated and to report any adverse reaction that may occur after vaccine administration.
If you belong to any one of the at risk groups, it is important that you have your seasonal flu vaccine. Also persons who were vaccinated last year are advised to get vaccinated again this year.