The San Pedro R.C. School held its 6th Annual All Saints Day Fair on Friday, November 4, 2011. The celebration started off with a parade through the streets of San Pedro Town leading to the school’s compound where the festive bazaar was held.
It was a family event and children were dressed up as saints and angels. There was lots to eat and drink and plenty of fun games; children and adults enjoyed games of tombola, fishpond, slaying goliath, St. John’s Bosco Bowling and ring toss. There was a disco for the children and they danced the night away under supervision of teachers.
Judging for this year was done different as there were prizes for the top three costumes in lower, middle/upper division students. The following are these year’s winners and their prizes:
Lower Division:
1st Place:
St. Michael The Archangel – Luis Isariel Muñoz – Round Trip to Corozal (Tropic Air)
2nd Pace:
St. Jude – Seir Dorado – Round Trip to Belize City (Maya Island Air)
Juan Diego – Kael Gerardo Reyes – $200 Savings Account at First Caribbean Bank
3rd Place:
St. Michael The Archangel – Luis Murray – $150 Savings Account at St. Francis Xavier Credit Union
Ninito de Atocha – Wayne Alfaro – $100 Cash Prize courtesy Cholo’s
Other Prizes:
St. Cecilia – Noelie Wiltshire – $100 Savings Account at Belize Bank
Our Lady of Guadalupe – Isis Reyes – $50 Cash Prize courtesy Southwind Properties
Nun – Britney Palacio – $50 Cash Prize courtesy Coral Cable Vision
St. Peter – Jesus Nuñez – $50 Cash Prize courtesy Jaguar’s Temple Night Club
Angel – Kaylen Alvarez – $50 Cash Prize courtesy Caribeña Enterprises
Middle/Upper Division:
1st Pace:
St. Dominick – Israel Ake – Round Trip to Corozal (Tropic Air)
2nd Place:
Nun – Catherine Canul – $100 Belize Bank Savings Account
3rd Place:
Virgin Mary – Alyssa Martin – 24 hour golf cart rental courtesy of Cholo’s Golf Cart Rentals
Other Prizes:
Jesus – Brandon Lisbey – $50 Savings Account at Scotia Bank
Guardian Angel – Wendy Vasquez – $50 worth of goods at Green House
The fundraiser was a total success as a total of $8,102.75 was raised for the reconstruction of the much needed shade/building for the school ground. Work on the new building will commence as soon as possible so that students can enjoy break time and other activities under the newly built shade.
Much thanks to all those who participated in the competition, parents, students, all who attended the fair, teachers/staff, judges and especially all businesses who donated prizes for this year’s fair.
Sponsor List:
Tropic Air, Maya Island Air, First Caribbean International Bank, St. Francis Xavier Credit Union, Belize Bank, Scotia Bank, Cholo’s Golf Cart Rentals, Holiday Hotel, Victoria House, Elvi’s Kitchen, Green House, Moncho’s Rentals, Southwind Properties, Manelly’s Ice Cream Parlor, Wing’s Department Store, Wally’s Electrical Supply, Lino’s Meat Shop, Jaguar’s Temple Night Club, Coral Cable Vision, Caribeña Enterprises and Mr. Noel Wiltshire (Free DJ System and music for the Disco).