Remembrance Day 2011

On Sunday 13th November at the Armistice ceremony wreaths will be laid and bugles sounded in Basra and Baghdad, in the same manner as in London, Kingston and Belize, A two minute silence will be observed in the honor of our fallen heroes.

At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh Month, One variation for the British Troops in Iraq will be the wreath laid on behalf of the Belize Defence Forces and Belize Ex-Services League. It recalls the Belizeans who died, even before their nation was named, with the British West Indies Regiment in the Great War in Mesopotamia. The young soldier who will lay the wreath will be from the Caribbean and now one of numerous Commonwealth citizens still serving the Crown. Soldiers from Fiji, South Africa, & Zimbabwe are among the dead in Iraq and Afghanistan, and alongside us the Australians in the division remind us of older and deep bonds forged on many a battlefield.

Also the Remembrance Day parade and service attended by The Governor General, The Prime Minister, The Lord Chief Justice, The British High Commissioner, Commander B.D.F., Commander B.A.T.S.U.B., Coast Guard, Belize Police Force, Ex Service Men’s League, The Royal British Legion, will take place at Memorial Park in Belize City on Sunday 13th November at 09:00hrs please come along and remember those that have given so much so that we can live in a free world.  Mr. James Janmohamed OBE JP(S) will lay a wreath on behalf of San Pedro.

In San Pedro you will notice some children and adults wearing the poppy Please donate to this cause and show your support to the ex soldiers and their families the poppy should be worn till Remembrance Sunday 13th November 2011


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them

Response: We will remember them.


When you go home tell them of us and say -For your tomorrow we gave our today.

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