SPHS Students Receive Scholarships

The Belize Mission Project (BMP) has been helping brighten smiles in the community of San Pedro for the past 18 years. They have made trips to Belize once a year working, not only in San Pedro, but in other parts of the country as well. This year BMP will be made two visits; the first which ended on Friday, October 21, and the second which is November 4 – 12.

Improving smiles for island residents in San Pedro is the number one priority for the Belize Mission Team; this year is a special year. Not only are they doing medical visits, but on their first trip they made a special donation of medical supplies to the community of San Mateo. They were also here to choose a special student to be awarded the Dr. David Wertz Scholarship.

During their first trip members of the Wertz Scholarship Committee met with students in personal interviews after having received several applications for the scholarship. Students in their sophomore year who were entering their junior year with an interest in pursuing an allied health education and demonstrated an economic need were interviewed by the committee members.

Students submitted a one-page essay about the career they would like to pursue and the effect they anticipate this career choice would have on their Belize community. After much review and consultation the committee decided to award one lucky student with a full scholarship for a year and give out two partial scholarships (financial aid) to two other students.

The lucky recipient of the full year scholarship is Edith Lopez; the scholarship includes a year of school tuition being paid and all her books. Special Recognition Award (1/2 of Scholarship receiving $1,000 Bze towards school tuition) went to Kennedy Rendon and Honorable Mention Award (Partial Scholarship – receiving $600Bze towards school tuition) went to Rosalie Longsworth.

Edith Lopez is a 16-year-old aspiring gynecologist who is extremely grateful for having won the full year scholarship. Kennedy Rendon is a 16-year-old aspiring doctor and Rosalie Longsworth is looking for a career in Forensic Pathology.

The Wertz Scholarship Committee will review scholarship renewal for the senior year in October of the student’s junior year. Requirement to keep the scholarship include continued academic achievement, good school attendance record and a one-page essay each year on a topic directed by the Scholarship committee.

Dr. David Wertz was a member of the Belize Mission Project and sadly passed away four years ago. His family asked for monetary donations for his memorial and thus started the Dr. David Wertz Scholarship for students in La Isla Bonita.

Dr. Frank Whipps addresses the student body before presenting the awards and scholarshipsDr. Frank with the scholarship recipientsDr. Frank congratulating Edith LopezEdith Lopez will be receving the Dr. Werts Academic ScholarshipKennedy Rendon accepting his award and scholarshipRoslaie Longsworth accepting her awardSPHS Students Receive ScholarshipsMrs. Bonnie Whipps congratulating the studentsSPHS Students Receive Scholarships

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