Bridge Closing & Sports Notices

Bridge Closed to Vehicular Traffic (Update Nov. 21)

Press Release – San Pedro Town Council – November 21st, 2011 – The general public is advised that after studying all options available, they have no other choice but to close the bridge to VEHICULAR TRAFFIC (including golf carts) immediately. This is necessary to complete the street rehabilitation of that area. The bridge will re-open to golf carts and Polaris on Sunday, November 27th.  The Council apologizes for the inconvenience this may cause and thanks you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Press Release – San Pedro Town Council – Monday, November 22nd, 2011 – Following discussion with the contractors and in listening to the concern of the residents and businesses of North Ambergris Caye, the bridge will re-open on Thursday, November 27th (Thanksgiving Day) to golf carts and Polaris. Please note that at that time only one lane of the street will be open. The Council again thanks the public in advance for your patience and understanding.


Sports Notice
Press Release – San Pedro Town Council – November 11, 2011 – The general public in particular sports enthusiasts are reminded to respect all sporting premises under the management of the San Pedro Town Council. The Council fully supports and applauds sporting activities but as of lately three incidents done by sports players has cause much concern. The public is advised that if anyone needs to alter or do any type of modifications to these areas that permission is needed from the Council.

Lately, the stage was moved (without authorization) from The Old Football Field, lights were removed from the Ambergris Stadium, and the basketball back-boards were removed from the Boca del Rio court. Again, we remind everyone that this is an offense and we request that everyone respects these areas.

The cooperation of everyone is appreciated.

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