Rumors: Lighthouse Lager Beer Flavor Changed!?

Talk around town is that the Belize Brewing Company Ltd. has changed the flavor of their Lighthouse Lager Beer. Some customers and drinkers of Lighthouse swear that they have noticed a distinct and different taste to the Lighthouse beer after having sampled a few, especially at a particular establishment on the island. This got many people thinking and angry at the fact that their favorite beer has been altered.

Well, getting to the bottom of this was as easy as making a phone call. Ambergris Today spoke to Mr. David Vasquez, Sales and Marketing Manager of Belize Brewing Co. Ltd., who confirmed that there has been no altering of the taste of the Lighthouse Beer.

“The beer making process is a fully automated process where there are no hands involved that can alter the consistency in taste of our product,” commented Mr. Vasqez to Ambergris Today “I can assure you that the Lighthouse formula is the same and we continue to produce it at its highest quality.”

Mr. Vasquez commented that the taste of beer is susceptible to light and temperature. Proper storage of beer is essential for it to retain its taste once it leaves the factory. Too much direct sunlight or cooling and warming of beer will alter its taste. Mr. Vas    quez recommends reporting any variations in taste to the local establishments or your local distributor.

Lighthouse Beer drinkers can rest assured that nothing has been changed about their beer of choice.

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