Rumors: Price of Bread Goes Up!

Rumors circulating in town are that the price of bread has gone up by almost a dollar on each different types of packed bread. Sliced (packed)  bread is a staple food for all and having heard that there would be an increase on the price had several island residents questioning if the rumors were true or not.

Ambergris Today made a quick check with owners of Casa Pan Dulce Bakery who confirmed that the price of packed bread has not increased. However, the price of some shelf products at the bakery did increase a bit. This was done because personnel of the GST Department advised them to do so, as some of the items on their shelves required taxation.

The price of packed bread (such as Pullman, special white,  wheat bread, etc) has not gone up therefore resident should not expect to pay more at either of the bakeries or at the stores.

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