Rumors Dismissed of Belize Prime Minister’s Ailing Health

The Belize Press Office sent out a press release on Friday, May 4, 2012, informing the general public that Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize, is in very good health and is presently in Miami accompanying his wife for medical treatment. It had come to the Office’s attention that mischievous rumors had been circulating to the contrary regarding his health.

The Press Office went on to explain that, on occasions Prime Minister Dean Barrow has experienced a very common medical condition known as vertigo which causes dizziness. Three weeks ago, the start of Cabinet was delayed by half hour because the Prime Minister experienced one such episode. As a precaution, the staff called for a doctor to meet with the Prime Minister.  He has since had a full check-up and received a clean bill of health.

Hon. Dean Barrow continues his healthy exercise routine and does regular check-ups with his doctor.

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