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BTIA President Jim Scott’s Challenge for a Good Cause

He is President of the Belize Tourism Industry Association and a devout member of the Rotary Club of Belize. Everybody knows him as the “Si Se Puede/Yes I Can” man of Belize because of his positive attitude and cheerful personality. Mr. Jim Scott is a well known personality in the tourism industry and is also a humanitarian.

By the end of this year, Mr. Scott will turn 50 on November 25, 2012, and he plans to celebrate not only for himself, but also for a cause that he holds dear to his heart. On his birthday Jim will be partaking in the Iron Man Competition in Cozumel, Mexico and at the same time aims to raise $50,000 in funds for his own cause – Iron Cause for Iron Kids. This is his personal campaign to raise funds for the renovation and expansion of the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center in Belize (DMCCC).

Since his birthday last year Jim has been working hard and focusing on his goal for the Iron Man Competition.

“Everything I do right now is focused on that Iron Man,” commented Jim Scott on a post in his website. “But as hard as it is for me to give up these things to achieve my goal – can you imagine how hard it is for the children at DMCCC? I think when you’re in a position that you can give time, passion and money to those kids who really need the support, you have to do it.”
All funds raised by Jim’s campaign will be matched by the Rotary Club of Belize City and keep up with the motto “2 + 2 = 8. If you Donate”. You can aid Jim in his quest for goodness by depositing in Scotia Bank account # 9132885 and make deposits out to the Rotary Club of Belize (iron cause) or by contacting Jim directly from on the cause’s website and/of Facebook Page.

Jim Scott prepares for Cozumel's Iron Man Challenge

Dorothy Menzies Child Care Center (DMCCC) is located in Belize City, Corner St. Thomas & 19th Street. Originally (35 years ago) built for less than 50 children, it at times houses close to 80 children that had no other place to go or could not be allowed to go back to their parents.
The children represent the many different cultural backgrounds found in Belize. The children come to the Center for many reasons. Most of the children at the center have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. These children need a loving and caring environment in which to grow and develop.

Through the years, the need for placements for children has increased and literally overtaken the ability of the DMCCC to meet all demands. But in most situations when a child is in need you can’t say no. This has led to the situation that the center is home to many more children than it was designed to be – resulting in crowded living arrangements and extreme wear and tear of facilities.

The Rotary Club of Belize City has a project in place to fund necessary construction to improve existing facilities and expand the center so that more children can find a home.

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