There was an outpouring of emotions for Jasmine Lowe at the Macal River Park last Friday and at the Columbus Park in San Ignacio this past Saturday night. A sea of candle flames was evident from great distances at both events. The Galen University ‘Eagles’ played several meaningful tunes at the Macal River Park.
Chairperson of the Peoples Coalition of Cayo, Albert Moore, told the gathering at the Macal River Park, “Good citizens obey laws, let us obey the laws of our land.” Moore also spoke about strategies to confront crime, such as for more community involvement, the formation of neighborhood watches. He pleaded for local residents to forge links with police officers dedicated to community work.
There was also a vigil held in Belize City on Saturday, June 9, at Battlefield Park in Belize City where many city residents showed up to express their solidarity against crime in the country. At the vigil in the city, a group of UniBAM supporters also attended and prior to the vigil the group distributed 50 meals to some of the homeless who regularly congregate in the park. Members expressed that the small gesture of community outreach was made because the group believes social justice reform must be multi-faceted.
“To come together as people concerned for basic human rights and the welfare of children while turning our backs to the neediest among us would have been unconscionable,” stated a press release from UniBAM. The meals were donated by Ian and Ella Anderson from Cave’s Branch Lodge.
“We would also like to publicly commend private citizens, as well as the Special Envoy for Women and Children, Kim Simpless Barrow for their efforts to push for “Jasmine’s Taxi Law”. Those of us who support the Constitutional Challenge to Section 53 pledge our unwavering support for any and all legal reforms that will result in greater protection for the children of Belize. Finally, we offer our deepest condolences to the friends and family of Jasmine Lowe, and to all people in Belize who have lost children to violent crime.”
Vigil held at Columbus Park in San Ignacio Town
Vigil at the Macal River Park
The Galen University Eagles perform musical tribute to Jasmine Lowe