Mel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions Club

“I believe in working hard and having fun at the same time…and I take this leadership position to promote more Lionistic action within our community,” commented Mel Spain as she was officially sworn in as the new Lion President this past Saturday, July 7, 2012, along with her new board of directors for the club.

It was a historic event for the San Pedro Lions Club as this is the first time the club has elected a female president for three consecutive terms. Lion members from Belize City and neighboring Chetumal, Mexico attended the installation ceremonies. Outgoing president Marina Kay commented on all the great work the club did during her leadership and she was especially proud of bringing back the Leos Club and involving the youth into Lionism. She welcomed Mel Spain and pledged her support to her and the club.

“We are the most active club in the country and probably the most envied,” commented Mel Spain as she took the podium after being sworn in. “Let’s keep it that way. The feeling you get from serving others is rewarding and I commit myself to this position and promise to do my best for the Lions Club of San Pedro.”

Guest speaker for the evening Einer Gomez said it best when he commented “The San Pedro Lions Club has always installed values in the community.” He stressed how the club has been working very hard for all these years and even changing with the times in order to keep Lionism alive. Mr. Gomez pledged to become a Lion member at the next installation ceremonies after being inspired during the evening’s celebrations.

The new board of directors for the San Pedro Lion’s Club includes: Mel Spain – President, Rigoberto Kumul – 1st Vice President, Ruben Trejo – 2nd Vice President, Roger Musbach – 3rd Vice President, Bonnie Musbach– Secretary, Abel Guerrero – Treasurer, Ricardo Verde, Francisco Verde – 1 Year Directors, Nesher Acosta and Baldemar Graniel Sr. – 2 Year Directors, Ines Anderson – Membership Chairperson, Chris McKoy – Lion Tamer and Paula Paloza (Bar Queen) – Tail Twister.

Mel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions Club

Mel Spain Sworn in as new San Pedro Lions Club President

Mel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions ClubMel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions ClubMel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions ClubMel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions ClubMel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions ClubMel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions ClubMel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions ClubMel Spain Takes Lead of San Pedro Lions Club

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