BTIA Hosts David Meerman at Tourism Summit

As part of the Belize Tourism Industry Association’s 2012 Marketing and PR Summit to be held at the Belize Biltmore Hotel’s River Room August 23, Mr. David Meerman Scott will be conducting a Real Time Marketing Masterclass, consisting of three 90 minute presentations covering cutting-edge approaches to marketing in the new global online environment
Mr. David Meerman Scott; renowned marketing strategist, author and professional speaker will be conducting a Real -Time Marketing Masterclass. After each segment, there will be a panel discussion which will include key tourism stakeholders (both local and international), providing added insight in the various themes discussed. The purpose of the summit is to provide all industry stakeholders with ways in which to generate attention and build business. Below is a rundown of Mr. Meerman’s topics of discussion:
Panel 1 — Content Marketing
A compelling web site means content-rich pages. The best sites combine text based content, photographs, videos, and other valuable information that search engines find and index and that people share.  How do you create content that will be valuable for your visitors and help make the sale?
Panel 2 — Real-Time Marketing and PR
The Internet fundamentally changes the timescales on which we do business, compressing time and imparting a competitive advantage to the quick. Real-time marketing and public relations is when organizations respond to events as they occur.  Yet most organizations only work in “campaign planning mode” by creating strategies for the future and forgetting about today.  In every market, there is room for smart organizations to seize market share and improve profits by providing a product or service or communications initiative at speed. How do you develop a culture of instant engagement so you can grow your business now?
Panel 3 — Social Media Marketing
Facebook, Twitter, blogs, TripAdvisor, and many other social networking sites are changing the way people find products and services online. What are the best ways to engage with audiences and drive business via social networks?

Mr Scott is widely considered to be one of the world’s leading marketing authorities, and local Belizean businesses are fortunate to have him presenting one of his famous classes in the small Caribbean nation.

The Belize 2012 Marketing and PR Summit and David Meerman Scott’s Masterclass is open to the public and costs $100.00 to attend. Mr Waight said that further information can be found at the BTIA website (

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