SPTC Presents Financial and Progress Report

The San Pedro Town Council presented the “handed-over” financial report and a progress report on their first 100 days in office. The public meeting took place at the San Pedro Lions Den on Thursday, July 27, 2012, where Mayor Daniel Guerrero and his councilors along with Honorable Manuel Heredia Jr. took center stage to present their report and answer questions presented by the public.

Mayor Daniel Guerrero presented the financial report as was handed to him on March 9, 2012, by the previous town council. In a detailed report he mentioned figures which included the state of the bank accounts and the outstanding debts which the town council has. The Mayor stated that in the next month and a half or so he will be presenting his financial report after taking office.

In regards to the progress report for the first 100 days in office each councilor presented their report in details explaining the work they have done which included tackling crime, clean up campaigns, summer youth camps, traffic safety campaigns, street repairs, and much more.

Also mentioned during the meeting were projects that are in the pipeline which include licensing of dogs, licensing of bicycles, major upgrade and facelift of the Ambergris Stadium, new parks for Zaak bajo area, DFC and San Mateo, and major changes in the traffic department.

It was announced that there will changes in regards to parking on Barrier Reef Drive and Pescador Drive. Councilor Kenrick Brackett explained in some detail that there will only be 15 minute parking on both Barrier Reef Drive and Pescador Drive due to the heavy congestion on these streets and only small vehicles such as golf carts and atv’s will be allowed to park on these streets.

Secondly, delivery services will only be allowed to take place between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and all working vehicles (eg: freight trucks) will only be allowed to operate between the hours of 6pm to 6am. All cargo containers must be parked at the Marina located in the DFC as they will no longer be allowed to be anywhere in town.

Major changes are also coming for all golf cart owners as the golf carts will be required to have indicators and taxi will have to downsize as the Jasmine Law comes into effect ALL taxis will have to be painted the same color and all taxi drivers to have proper identification.

These were only some of the major highlights for the evening as the San Pedro Town Council held its first public meeting. The San Pedro Town Council is hard at work for the betterment of the island and promises to do its best to do so in an honest and transparent manner.

SPTC Presents Financial and Progress ReportSPTC Presents Financial and Progress Report

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