Partners for Belize Render Free Clinics in San Pedro

A group of doctors and nurses from Cincinnati, Ohio, were here in beautiful San Pedro as part of mission trip to provide dental services for adults and children, dermatology, general health evaluations and treatment for prolonged and chronic pain free of charge. Clinical services were carried from Friday, July 27, 2012 to Tuesday, July 31, 2012.

In speaking with John Kirby, Director/Organizer of the mission group, he stated that it was the first time the group had been to the island rendering their medical services, but have been having opening clinics in other parts of the country.

“For being the first time here on the island offering our medical services we were extremely happy with the turn out,” commented Mr. Kirby. “The first day went pretty slow but in total we saw quite a number of patients. These doctors saw more patients in one day than they see back home in a week.”

Partners for Belize Render Free Clinics in San Pedro

Dental Technician – Maureen Ryan and Dr. Gordon Womack working an a 4 year old patient

Dr. Gordon Womack served at Northern Regional in Orange Walk February and is a well known children’s specialist and problem patient specialist for dentists in his area in Dayton Ohio. Dr. Womack and his team which included Dental Technicians – Maureen Ryan and Michelle Brooks, Dental Assistant – Michelle Johnson, Office Manager – Leryn Fuller and Assistant Office Manager Nicky Thomas, saw over 130 patients including children and adults.

Dr. Wayne Bauman, dermatologist, served at Northern Regional and the Poly Clinic 5 years ago with Dr. Peter Craig. Dr. Bauman is a dermatologist in Cincinnati, Ohio, and along with his wife Mary Lou Bauman as his assistant they took care of over 100 patients at the Dr. Otto Polyclinic.

Partners for Belize Render Free Clinics in San Pedro

Dr. Magdalena Kerschner attending to one of her many patients at the Poly Clinic

Also busy dealing with patients was Dr. Magda Kerschner, a pain specialist doctor of anesthesiology. Dr. Kerschner has performed the general medical checkups on past trips to Belize including two summers ago at the Poly Clinic in San Pedro. In Cincinnati she has a pain clinic for those with chronic pain issues.

According to John Kirby they are planning to return to the island on an annual basis and provide their services to the people of our community. On behalf of the community of San Pedro, Ambergris Today takes this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank the doctors of Partners of Belize and hopes to see them back very soon!

Partners for Belize Render Free Clinics in San PedroPartners for Belize Render Free Clinics in San PedroPartners for Belize Render Free Clinics in San Pedro

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