Ismael Kay Sets New Record for San Pedro High School

San Pedro High must be very proud of Ismael Kay who, through his hard work and accomplishments, has set a new record in external examination passes. Ismael is an all around young man who loves to get involved. He was a member of the San Pedro Dance Company and traveled abroad to represent San Pedro. He was also the main choreographer and beauty pageant organizer for the Miss San Pedro Pageant. In the Math Olympiad he was there; in the Food and Nutrition Science Competition he was there; for fund raisers, he was there. He is also the President of the San Pedro Leo’s Club.

News from the regional external examinations CSEC or Caribbean Secondary Examination Council, the all around man proved that he is also an all around pro at many subjects. Giovanni Ismael Kay set a new record high for San Pedro High by passing 10 subjects out of 10 attempted with eight ‘grade 1’ and two ‘grade 2’. (Note: grade 1 is the highest grade achievable in any subject)

Ismael Kay Tops External Exams at San Pedro High

Ismael Kay at the installment of the San Pedro Leo’s Club

The following are the top achievers for this year:
10 passes – Giovanni Ismael Kay, Nirsa Sanchez
9 passes – Sucely Blanco, Emilie Gomez, Raymundo Nuñez, Jerilee Garcia, Rachelle Lisbey, Laji Nuñez
8 passes – Marghie Garcia, Solani Graniel, Korin Silva
7 passes – Arri Guardado, Kelsie Santos, Demor Valladarez, Chris Nuñez
6 passes – Georgina Cadle, Samuel Figueroa, Jamel Jones, Kelin Mencia

These students have qualified for scholarships to Junior College. Ambergris Today salutes all students who had passes in the CSEC and especially to the above high achievers. Equal congratulations go to their teachers and San Pedro High.

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