San Pedro Police Officer Assaulted with Machete

Police reports indicated that on Saturday, August 25, 2012, Police Constable Alfonso Guerra, 30yrs, was involved in a chopping incident that occurred in the vicinity of Marina’s Store on Sea Grape Drive.

San Pedro Police reported visiting Marina’s Store at about 10:30p.m. on the said date where they saw PC Guerra suffering from a chop wound across the left side of this chest. Initial investigation revealed that PC Guerra was working special duty at the establishment when Francisco Dominguez, 24 year old laborer of Coconut Drive, armed with a machete, approached another male person known to him only as Kalahka. Both men then engaged in a struggle and when PC Guerra intervened to diffuse the situation, Dominguez used the machete and swung at him.

PC Guerra was struck by the machete on Dominguez’s second swing at him and he fell to the ground. Dominguez then stood over PC Guerra and when he was about to swing at him again a bystander stoned him with a bottle, hitting him on his head. Dominguez then fled the scene; police investigation continues into the matter.

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