Grace Kennedy Belize's Island Back to School Giveaway

On Saturday, September 1, 2012, Grace Kennedy Belize Ltd. teamed up with the San Pedro Town Council to offer a “Back to School Give-Away” for single parents on the island. Grace Kennedy is celebrating 30 years of service to the country and this is just one way in which it is giving back to the community.

The company was giving out gift baskets at Central Park to single parent families on a first come basis. Needless to say the response from the public was tremendous and many families were fortunate to receive great gifts from Grace Kennedy Belize Ltd. Also partnering in this give-away were Eco-Fuels, Coldwell Banker, Remax – Tammy Peterson, Wings and Belicolor.

The baskets were filled with school supplies and products that the company distributes in the country and also offered some free samples and taste testing of a wide variety of the products, including new products currently being introduced to the local market.

Grace Kennedy Belize Island Back to School Giveaway

San Pedro Mayor Daniel Guerrero joins Grace Kennedy Belize at their Back to School Giveaway event

Grace Kennedy Belize Island Back to School Giveaway

Grace Kennedy Belize Island Back to School Giveaway

Grace Kennedy Belize Island Back to School GiveawayGrace Kennedy Belize Island Back to School GiveawayGrace Kennedy Belize Island Back to School Giveaway

About Grace Kennedy Belize Ltd.
Presently Grace Kennedy (Belize) Limited is one of Belize’s major food and beverage distributors. Grace Kennedy (Belize) Limited is involved in the importation and distribution of a wide range of food and non-food grocery items throughout the country of Belize. The company is the exclusive distributor of Grace and Grace owned branded products. Over the many years, the company’s ability to Brand build and engage consumers had attracted many other brands such as Malher, Colgate-Palmolive, Huggies-Classic by Kimberly Clark, PA Benjamins, Suretox and BOP, Roses toilet tissues, Mackeson Stout and Carib Beer. In addition to import and distribution, the company also works with Belizean manufactures to develop Grace branded products for the local and export markets. Grace Kennedy (Belize) has been involved in the locally produced products such as red kidney, marine products and citrus concentrate (orange and grapefruit). These products were exported mainly to Jamaica. Grace Kennedy Jamaica also currently imports its Springtime Bleach line which is produced in Belize.

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