Family Business Chain Donates $10K to SPHS Baseball Team

The Phoenix Resort, Blue Water Grill, Wine de Vine, Paradise Management, Caliente, and Red Ginger Donate $10,000 to San Pedro High School Baseball Team for their trip to Panama.

Press Release – October 4, 2012 – San Pedro, Belize – In their continued effort to make a difference in the community through education, youth initiatives, and health care, the family of businesses [The Phoenix Resort, Blue Water Grill, Wine de Vine, Paradise Management, Caliente, and Red Ginger] are donating $10,000 to the San Pedro High School Baseball Team for their upcoming trip to the CODICADER games in Panama from October 12-15, 2012.

Family Business Chain Donates $10K to SPHS Baseball Team

“We are so proud of the high school baseball team and we’re delighted to have the opportunity help them go to Panama and represent our island and our country,” said Kelly McDermott Kanabar. “We wish the team good luck and we’re excited that they will get the opportunity travel and see the world. Of course, we’re especially proud of Conrad, a player on that team whose mom has worked at Blue Water Grill since 2003. And Mukul and I are grateful that we can continue to do our part to support education, youth initiatives, and healthcare in San Pedro.  We believe that that we’re only as smart, healthy, and happy as our friends and neighbors, which is why we’re committed to continue using our businesses to make a difference in people’s lives.”

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