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San Pedro High Returns With Smiles

The Belize National Champs in softball hailing from San Pedro High participated this past week in the Central American championship known as Codicader.  The team is to be admired for picking up the courage to switch from softball to baseball because softball is not played in Codicader.  Incidentally in Belize the high schools do not play baseball, only softball.
San Pedro travelled to Panama City and confronted and lost to Panama and then defeated Costa Rica.  The next two against Nicaragua and Honduras were losses but Belize soundly defeated Guatemala 6 to 2 with outstanding pitching by Gerardo Cardona who struck out 12 of the Guatemalan players.  This final match brought San Pedro High School/Belize to 2 wins and 3 losses, placing the team in fourth place.  

San Pedro High School Baseball Team Returns With Smiles

Gerardo Cardona – Best Pitcher in the Championship

But the story does not end there.  With a total of 17 strike outs in the entire tournament, Gerardo Cardona earned a GOLD and was crowned the best pitcher in the Championship.  Today the team returns home with broad smiles for their courageous participation, a good show of sportsmanship and best of all a gold for individual player.  On behalf of this proud community Ambergris Today says kudos to al the team, its coaches and manager Marion Mejia, and San Pedro High School. We are all very proud of you and hope we can do it again.

Gerardo Cardona - Best Pitcher in the ChampionshipSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With SmilesSan Pedro High Returns With Smiles

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