It might seem the least of his problems or that of the community of San Pedro, but Mayor Daniel Guerrero announced this morning on the Reef Radio’s Good Morning San Pedro Talk Show that he has instructed Police Officers to “Pull Up” anybody’s pants that are sagging and exposing underwear!
What the Mayor meant was that he wants to put a ban on people sagging their pants and made it clear that he has instructed the police to warn those who are sagging and force them to pull up their pants; failure to comply will lead to penalties.
Sounds like something very petty for the Mayor of San Pedro Town to worry about, but in the larger picture Mayor Danny is looking into tackling crime on the island – Sagging of pants are linked to gang members and gangs lead to crime, theft and murder.
“I am not one to tell people how to dress,” commented Mayor Guerrrero on the morning show. “But this sagging of pants is disrespectful, obscene and all of these symbols, including red and blue handkerchiefs, tattoos and caps, are signs of gang activities that we need to get rid of in our community in order to combat crime.”
Mayor Guerrero makes it his duty to appear on a regular basis at the Good Morning San Pedro Talk Show in order for the community to call in to express their frustrations and issues that they would like the Town Council to work on. He is very informative on all the issues that he is addressing and takes diligent notes on all the matters that callers express on the Reef Radio’s airwaves.
A primary concern of Mayor Guerrero is that of the increase crime rate on the island and he is taking many steps necessary to lessen it, including the implementation of a curfew for underage children, revision of liquor licenses, limiting of late night hour liquor license extensions, monitoring bars to close and midnight and restaurants and shops at 10p.m., dispersing suspicious gatherings on streets corners and drinking alcohol at grocery shops, among other things.
It seems that Mayor Guerrero is very serious about combating crime on the island and residents called in the morning show to applaud his efforts and even extend a helping hand in any way possible.
This morning the San Pedro Town Council will present equipment to the San Pedro Police Department that will assist them in their work in keeping San Pedro a safe and crime free environment.